This project was really exciting to work on, as we delved into the picturesque Russian nature. The task seemed to be quite hard to handle at the first place: it was May 2020, when all the mess had just started and the 8 days/7 nights bundle price started from $2,752.
However, at the end of June the results were shocking:
We’ve got 3,409 leads, Cost Per Lead was $0.17 and Cost Per Click was $0.02.
Challenge: drive sales
Glamping got all its places booked for the whole summer.
For promoting nature tours on IG, it is better to use photos with clear nature scenes and ad copy telling all the information in simple words.
We recommend you to take photos from the glamping window or at the nearby walking routes, don’t work too hard on texts and use Dynamic Creative Optimization to get low-cost clicks and a lot of reservations.